After responding to the August earthquake in Lombok, Indonesia, Americares is sending emergency response experts from the United States and Jakarta to assess the damage and needs of those in Palu, and assist their partner organizations responding to the crisis.
Mercy Corps U.S.
Mercy Corps has also been in Indonesia responding to the August earthquake in Lombok. Mercy Corps has been working in the country for over 20 years. The organization is sending team members to help survivors who need immediate assistance and to help rebuild.
Advance GCFA
The United Methodist Committee on Relief plans to focus on both initial relief work and the long-term needs of those in Palu.
Church World Service Inc
Church World Service is in South Sulawesi and preparing to bring supplies to Palu. The group is partnering with ACT Alliance and Humanitarian Forum Indonesia to determine the best way to distribute aid. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance will also partner with ACT to assist with relief efforts.
CARE plans to provide drinking water, soap, buckets to collect water and sanitary napkins for women in Palu. The group also hopes to provide sleeping mats, blankets and solar lights to those who have lost their homes.
Humanity & Inclusion
Humanity & Inclusion has worked in Indonesia since 2005. The organization plans to offer immediate relief, including urgent medical care and psychosocial support.
World Vision
World Vision has set up an infant and child feeding center in Palu. The organization is sending supplies that include hygiene kits for infants and families, as well as shelter kits, blankets and mats.