All Community created Funds

Single mother with a chronic brain disordered child needs support Fund
1 nonprofit
Single mother with a chronic brain disordered child needs support Fund
Update from Kids Care Charity: Delivering lasting change for a single mother with three children, one of whom with a chronic brain disorder 👏 Her oldest child is with food disorder She is looking after them all alone since her husband passed away a few years ago. One of the children has a chronic brain disorder. They spend long periods in the hospital but no medication can help. We're supporting them with food, electric bills, clothing and shoes. We’ve also bought an air conditioner to help them with the rising cost of electricity. 👏👏👏 We are now paying for visits to a psychiatrist who is now working with both children needing help. As a result of the psychiatric therapies funded by Kids Care Charity, the main development is that the mother is in a much more stable mental state, which has a direct and distinctly positive effect on her parenting capacity. She is much more relaxed in handling the children, dividing her attention between them and dealing with daily tasks. Recommendations were given for her medical treatment and the overall approach to motherhood, which she accepted and undertook to follow. The child with eating disorder was consulted at her personal request. At the moment, her body weight and eating habits are under control. Like her mother, she is cooperative and takes full advantage of the therapeutic process. The child with the chronic brain disease is in a relatively stable condition (as far as this is possible with his disease), the dose of the medication is specified and is taken regularly. We continue the therapies with one of the best psychiatrists in Sofia. Huge thanks to VMware for making this possible! Together, we make the world a better place! Bilyana has three children to take care all alone, since her husband passed away a few years ago. One of the children has a chronic brain disorder and no medication can help. She needs support with food, bills and clothing.
Widower father and 3 children need support Fund
1 nonprofit
Widower father and 3 children need support Fund
Update from Kids Care: Kids Care provided 3 computers for each of the children, food supplies and one-on-one singing lessons for a whole year to the talented eldest daughter. This year, 2022, she graduated high school and is now fully prepared for the university singing exams. Before we entered their lives, she did not even dare to dream of such a possibility, she had completely lost faith in herself. Her talent is unparalleled, she participates in television shows, national and international competitions. She is the face of the young generation in the village, she gives hope and energy to the small settlement. The second child became very introverted and silent since the loss of his mother, he was very attached to her. We provided psychological support for him. He has a natural talent for drawing with regular pencils, although he has never had lessons. We have offered him individual drawing lessons, but for now he is putting it off because he has not yet dealt with the trauma of losing his mother. The child is valiant and hardworking and we will monitor his development and continue to support him. The youngest girl has an interest in computer technology. With her new computer, she began to quickly learn and develop her interests. She does not use it for games, like other children, but digs into learning about applications and how the computer works. Georgi and his 3 children recently suffered the loss of both the children's mother and grandmother in a short period of time. Georgi works hard to feed and take care of the children, but needs additional support. The grieving family needs assistance with food, bills and clothing. The children are also hard working and have talents that need help developing.
Services to breast cancer patients in Bulgaria Fund
0 nonprofits
Services to breast cancer patients in Bulgaria Fund
Summary: Your donation will directly fund the annual implementation of the "Soul Sisters" - our national mobile support program within which we offer completely free of charge practical, informational and psychological counseling for women with breast cancer and their families across Bulgaria. Annually our mobile center - the Pink camper stopover in more than 10 cities in the country and our team meets the patients in oncology wards in city hospitals. Challenge: Breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is a great challenge for women - it follows a period of prolonged isolation, trauma, every day struggle and days spent in pain. In this very moment the women and their family needs a real support of professional psychologists, face-to-face conversation with breast cancer survivors to help them cope with all these changes and challenges however especially in the countryside such services are not available. Solution: For the 4th year, the "Soul Sisters" is going to the women in need all across Bulgaria and offer a free of charge services. The program involves visiting the complex oncology center or oncology wards in city hospitals where our team of physiologists and consultants- all to one breast cancer survivors will talks with patients, distributes aids and accessories, provides psychological, emotional, practical and informational support to women and their relatives. Long-Term Impact: We will provide more than 500 breast cancer patients with support and information to accept their condition, rebuild their well-being and improve their quality of life. We will also give their families support and advice. Many of the women we meet under the program become part of our community and benefit from all the other services the foundation offers. It is important for us not just to lend a hand, but to go all the way along with the patient. We need your help to do it! Details: Donations support the following: "Soul sisters" trips, including all services, purchase of turbans/head scarfs for women on chemotherapy, post mastectomy breast prosthesis or bras, practical and informational consultation for cancer patients, psychological therapy sessions to cancer patients and their families, "pink bag" primary kit for women diagnosed, yoga sessions and more.